UPDATED** Conservative utopia

Tennessee Pay-To-Spray Firefighters Watch As Home Burns Down

The conservative vision of utopia (touted by many of the GOP candidates in this election) is a society in which most government agencies are privatized, and unfettered free enterprise reigns supreme.

Here’s a look at what that vision means in the real world: Tennessee County’s Subscription-Based Firefighters Watch As Family Home Burns Down.

… The homeowner, Gene Cranick, said he offered to pay whatever it would take for firefighters to put out the flames, but was told it was too late. They wouldn’t do anything to stop his house from burning. Each year, Obion County residents must pay $75 if they want fire protection from the city of South Fulton. But the Cranicks did not pay. The mayor said if homeowners don’t pay, they’re out of luck. […]

Via ThinkProgress:
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Glenn Beck mocks and ridicules the guy whose house burned. Note: that’s exactly what Jesus would do!



5 thoughts on “UPDATED** Conservative utopia

  1. The stupid thing was the guy actually offered to pay the full price for their firefighting services in order to save his house and they still refused.

    That’s not even good capitalism. By not offering the ‘full price at the time the service is needed’ option they missed a prime opportunity to make a healthy profit.

  2. I live in Metro Nashville. Our rented house caught fire 4 yrs ago. My Son had pulled me from the flames, the smoke had knocked me out cold. I was gasping, literally gasping for breathe when the F.D. and ambulance showed up. They asked me if I was Insured and I told them no, I am not. They did NOT offer oxygen or a ride to the hospital to be checked out.
    Today, I have advanced emphysema. My Doctor thinks the smoke from the fire has made it much, much worse.
    Thanks to the Nashville F.D. the fire was put out.
    Thanks to the EMT’s, I may die much sooner than later.

  3. Isn’t there a “Good Samaritan” law in Tennessee? God help you if there is a mistake in the billing department.

  4. I am opposed to immigration “reform” (amnesty). This country is overpopulated, and 21 million Americans are out of work.

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